Trackback and How It Can Improve Your Blog Traffic

Thursday, September 3, 2009
What is trackback and how can it help you to improve your blog traffic?

Trackback is one of traffic technique. It is a technique when you leaving a comments on someone blog or website and put you blog/site link on your comment. However it is time consuming unless you have a lot of time to search every blog/site related to your blog topic, reading it and then comments on it.

Simply said, trackback is one kind of blog conversation that links two or more relevant blog entries together. One blogger writes an article that references or is relevant to another blog's article and fills out the trackback section. When the blogger publishes the article the blog leaves a trackback on the other blog's article, which usually appears in the comments area as a truncated summary with a link.

I will show you how to send a trackback, the way I understand it.

Each blogging software system handles trackbacks differently. Bloggers can also choose to switch trackbacks off or require every trackback be approved before going live, so don't be surprised when you send a trackback and it doesn't show up, it may have nothing to do with you.

Some blogs will trackback automatically, or attempt to, especially if they are the same format. For example a WordPress blog trackbacking a WordPress blog. In that case as long as you include a link to the other blog's post your blog will attempt a trackback (sometimes called a "pingback").

Usually you have to manually enter a trackback URI into the blog entry you are creating. You can find the trackback URI at the end of most blog posts (take a look at your blog posts for the term "Trackback URI" or similar).

By the way -

URL = Uniform Resource Locator, a fancy name for 'Link'

URI = Uniform Resource Identifier, another fancy name for 'Link'

How To Improve Your Traffic by Trackbacking?

If you trackback someone else's blog post you are leaving a link that points back to your blog. Someone who reads the blog article may click through from the link and visit your blog. In some cases, if they are not using the "nofollow" tag, you get some PageRank juice which will help your search engine rankings.

Trackbacks are good because they bring traffic to your blog when you trackback other blogs. Being the "victim" of a trackback is also good because
it means another blogger has read your blog and deemed something you wrote worthy of including in their blog. There is a good chance if they trackbacked you that they also made a direct link to your blog too.

This helps your social proofing because it provides evidence that other people are reading and responding to your blog articles. However the real power of trackbacking is an awareness building tool to get the attention of other bloggers.

When you first start blogging not many people will know your blog exists. By trackbacking other bloggers you demonstrate interest in their content which is a surefire way to make them interested in you and your blog.

It's very likely that the blogger you trackbacked will follow the link and see what your blog is all about. If you have been following my advice and have written some pillar articles your new visitor will like what they see, very likely subscribe to your blog and if you are lucky may even trackback you or mention your blog in a future entry on their blog.

If nothing else, by trackbacking a blogger you will forever occupy some of their mind-space, which in the future may open up all kinds of doors and opportunities for traffic.

There's a lot of other way to improve your blog traffic. If you love to read other people post, then trackback is suitable for you.

The Importance of Referrer Logs

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Referrer logging is used to allow web servers and websites to identify where people are visiting them either for promotional or security purposes. You can find out which search engine they used to find your site and whether your customer has come from a ‘linked site’. It is basically the URL of the previous webpage from which your link was followed.

By default, most hosting accounts don’t include referrer logs but may be subscribed for an extra monthly fee. If your web host does not provide a graphic report of your log files, you can still view the referrer logs for your website by logging into the host server using free or low-cost FTP software, like these:

The log file is available on your web server which can be download into your computer later. You can use a log analysis tool, like those mentioned below, to create a graphic report from your log files so that the files are easier to understand.

You can view the files using Word, Word Perfect, txt or WordPad files even if you don’t have the right tool. This information is very crucial to your business and marketing plans and is not advisable to neglect it.

In addition to identifying the search engine or linked site from where your visitor arrived, referrer logs can also tell you what keywords or keyword phrases your client used for searching.

As referrer information can sometimes violate privacy, some browsers allow the user to disable the sending of referrer information. Proxy and Firewall software can also filter out referrer information, to avoid leaking the location of private websites. This can result in other problems, as some servers block parts of their site to browsers that don't send the right referrer information, in an attempt to prevent deep linking or unauthorized use of bandwidth. Some proxy software gives the top-level address of the target site itself as the referrer, which prevents these problems and still not divulging the user's last visited site.

Since the referrer can easily be spoofed or faked, however, it is of limited use in this regard except on a casual basis.

Keyword Density

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Keyword density is an indicator of the number of times the selected keyword appears in the web page. But mind you, keywords shouldn’t be over used, but should be just sufficient enough to appear at important places.

If you repeat your keywords with every other word on every line, then your site will probably be rejected as an artificial site or spam site. Keyword density is always expressed as a percentage of the total word content on a given web page.

Suppose you have 100 words on your webpage (not including HMTL code used for writing the web page), and you use a certain keyword for five times in the content. The keyword density on that page is got by simply dividing the total number of keywords, by the total number of words that appear on your web page. So here it is 5 divided by 100 = .05. Because keyword density is a percentage of the total word count on the page, multiply the above by 100, that is 0.05 x 100 = 5%.

The accepted standard for a keyword density is between 3% and 5%, to get recognized by the search engines and you should never exceed it.

Remember, that this rule applies to every page on your site. It also applies to not just to one keyword but also a set of keywords that relates to a different product or service. The keyword density should always be between 3% and 5%.

Simple steps to check the density:
  • Copy and paste the content from an individual web page into a word-processing software program like Word or Word Perfect.
  • Go to the ‘Edit’ menu and click ‘Select All’. Now go to the ‘Tools’ menu and select ‘Word Count’. Write down the total number of words in the page.
  • Now select the ‘Find’ function on the ‘Edit’ menu. Go to the ‘Replace’ tab and type in the keyword you want to find. ‘Replace’ that word with the same word, so you don’t change the text.
  • When you complete the replace function, the system will provide a count of the words you replaced. That gives the number of times you have used the keyword in that page.
  • Using the total word count for the page and the total number of keywords you can now calculate the keyword density.

Try it and Good luck!

How Do Search Engines Work - Web Crawlers

Friday, August 28, 2009
It is the search engines that finally bring your website to the notice of the prospective customers. Hence it is better to know how these search engines actually work and how they present information to the customer initiating a search.

There are basically two types of search engines. The first is by robots called crawlers or spiders.

Search Engines use spiders to index websites. When you submit your website pages to a search engine by completing their required submission page, the search engine spider will index your entire site. A ‘spider’ is an automated program that is run by the search engine system. Spider visits a web site, read the content on the actual site, the site's Meta tags and also follow the links that the site connects. The spider then returns all that information back to a central depository, where the data is indexed. It will visit each link you have on your website and index those sites as well. Some spiders will only index a certain number of pages on your site, so don’t create a site with 500 pages!

The spider will periodically return to the sites to check for any information that has changed. The frequency with which this happens is determined by the moderators of the search engine.

A spider is almost like a book where it contains the table of contents, the actual content and the links and references for all the websites it finds during its search, and it may index up to a million pages a day.

Example: Excite, Lycos, AltaVista and Google.

When you ask a search engine to locate information, it is actually searching through the index which it has created and not actually searching the Web. Different search engines produce different rankings because not every search engine uses the same algorithm to search through the indices.

One of the things that a search engine algorithm scans for is the frequency and location of keywords on a web page, but it can also detect artificial keyword stuffing or spamdexing. Then the algorithms analyze the way that pages link to other pages in the Web. By checking how pages link to each other, an engine can both determine what a page is about, if the keywords of the linked pages are similar to the keywords on the original page.

Consider all the things that matters as discuss above if you want to increase your page ranking. Work closely with the crawler. Good luck.

The Importance of Search Engines For Your Blog

Thursday, August 27, 2009
It is the search engines that finally bring your website to the notice of the prospective customers. When a topic is typed for search, nearly instantly, the search engine will sift through the millions of pages it has indexed about and present you with ones that match your topic. The searched matches are also ranked, so that the most relevant ones come first.

Remember that a prospective customer will probably only look at the first 2-3 listings in the search results. So it does matter where your website appears in the search engine ranking.

Further, they all use one of the top 6-7 search engines and these search engines attract more visitors to websites than anything else. So finally it all depends on which search engines the customers use and how they rank your site.

It is the Keywords that play an important role than any expensive online or offline advertising of your website.

It is found by surveys that a when customers want to find a website for information or to buy a product or service, they find their site in one of the following ways:-
  • The first option is they find their site through a search engine.
  • Secondly they find their site by clicking on a link from another website or page that relates to the topic in which they are interested.
  • Occasionally, they find a site by hearing about it from a friend or reading in an article.
Thus it’s obvious the the most popular way to find a site, by search engine, represents more than 90% of online users. In other words, only 10% of the people looking for a website will use methods other than search engines.

All search engines employ a ranking algorithm and one of the main rules in a ranking algorithm is to check the location and frequency of keywords on a web page. Don’t forget that algorithms also give weightage to link population (number of web pages linking to your site). When performed by a qualified, experienced search engine optimization consultant, your site for high search engine rankings really does work, unless you have a lot of money and can afford to pay the expert.

With better knowledge of search engines and how they work, you can also do it on your own.

Tips to Get Repeat Web Traffic

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Here is few tips on how to get repeat web traffic to your site/blog
  1. Update the pages on your website frequently. Stagnant sites are dropped by some search engines. You can even put a date counter on the page to show when it was last updated.
  2. Offer additional value on your website. For affiliates and partners you can place links to their sites and products and ask them to do the same for you. You can also advertise their books or videos, if these products relate to your industry and are not in competition with your own product.
  3. You can allow customers to ‘opt in’ to get discounts and special offers. Place a link on your site to invite customers to ‘opt in’ to get a monthly newsletter or valuable coupons.
  4. Add a link to your primary page with a script ‘Book Mark or Add this site to your Favorites’.
  5. Add a link ‘Recommend this site to a Friend’ so that the visitor can email your website link, with a prewritten title, “Thought you might be interested in this”, just by clicking on it.
  6. Brand your website so that visitors always know they are on your site. Use consistent colors, logos and slogans and always provide a ‘Contact Us’ link on each page.
  7. Create a ‘Our Policies’ page that clearly defines your philosophy and principles in dealing with your customers. Also post your privacy policy as well so that clients know they are secure when they visit your site.
  8. Create a FAQ page which addresses most of the doubts and clarifications about your product or your company that are likely to be asked. This helps to resolve most of the customers doubts in their first visit to your site.
  9. Ensure that each page on your website has appropriate titles and keywords so that your customer can find their way back to your site if they lose the book mark.
  10. Never spam a client, who has opted for newsletters, with unsolicited emails. Later if they decide they want to ‘opt out’ of the mailings, be sure you honor their request and take them off the mailing list. They may still come back if they like your products. But they will certainly not come back if you continue to flood their email box with mails they no longer wish to receive.

The Summary Tips to Increase Ranking and Website Traffic

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
It is worth cataloguing the basic principles to be enforced to increase website traffic and search engine rankings.
  • Create a site with valuable content, products or services.
  • Place primary and secondary keywords within the first 25 words in your page content and spread them evenly throughout the document.
  • Research and use the right keywords/phrases to attract your target customers.
  • Use your keywords in the right fields and references within your web page. Like Title, META tags, Headers, etc.
  • Keep your site design simple so that your customers can navigate easily between web pages, find what they want and buy products and services.
  • Submit your web pages i.e. every web page and not just the home page, to the most popular search engines and directory services. Hire someone to do so, if required. Be sure this is a manual submission. Do not engage an automated submission service.
  • Keep track of changes in search engine algorithms and processes and accordingly modify your web pages so your search engine ranking remains high. Use online tools and utilities to keep track of how your website is doing.
  • Monitor your competitors and the top ranked websites to see what they are doing right in the way of design, navigation, content, keywords, etc.
  • Use reports and logs from your web hosting company to see where your traffic is coming from. Analyze your visitor location and their incoming sources whether search engines or links from other sites and the keywords they used to find you.
  • Make your customer visit easy and give them plenty of ways to remember you in the form of newsletters, free reports, reduction coupons etc.
  • Demonstrate your industry and product or service expertise by writing and submitting articles for your website or for article banks so you are perceived as an expert in your field.
  • When selling products online, use simple payment and shipment methods to make your customer’s experience fast and easy.
  • When not sure, hire professionals. Though it may seem costly, but it is a lot less expensive than spending your money on a website which no one visits.
  • Don’t look at your website as a static brochure. Treat it as a dynamic, ever changing sales tool and location, just like your real store to which your customers with the same seriousness.

That's all I got for today. I will try to update soon. Stay with me.

Traffic Tactics : Use Keywords In Page Titles

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
It is recommended to use keywords in page titles itself. This title tag is different from a Meta tag, but it's worth considering it in relation to them. Whatever text one places in the title tag (between the portions) will appear in the title bar of browsers when they view the web page. Some browsers also append whatever you put in the title tag by adding their own name, as for example Microsoft's Internet Explorer or OPERA.

The actual text you use in the title tag is one of the most important factors in how a search engine may decide to rank your web page. In addition, all major web crawlers will use the text of your title tag as the text they use for the title of your page in your listings.

If you have designed your website as a series of websites or linked pages and not just a single Home Page, you must bear in mind that each page of your website must be search engine optimized. The title of each page i.e. the keywords you use on that page and the phrases you use in the content will draw traffic to your site.

The unique combination of these words and phrases and content will draw customers using different search engine terms and techniques, so be sure you capture all the keywords and phrases you need for each product, service or information page.

The most common mistake made by small business owners when they first design their website is to place their business name or firm name in every title of every page. Actually most of your prospective customers do not bother to know the name of your firm until after they have looked at your site and decided it is worth book marking.

So, while you want your business name in the title of the home page, it is probably a waste of valuable keywords and space to put it in the title line of every page on your site. Why not consider putting keywords in the title so that your page will display closer to the top of the search engine listing.

Dedicating first three positions for keywords in title avoiding the stop words like ‘and’, ‘at’ and the like is crucial in search engine optimization.

The 2 Types of Traffic Exchanges

Monday, May 25, 2009
Hi, I post about using a traffic exchanges to boost your traffic few weeks ago. How you try one? There are generally 2 types of traffic exchanges out there.
The first and most common type simply lets you earn hits directly from your downline. Many big-name sites like I Love Hits, Traffic Splash, Dragon Surf, Major League Hits are like this. When you get a referral who starts surfing in these, you'll earn a percentage of his points for yourself.
These are good and very important in the long run, as they'll ultimately provide you with the most "free" traffic once you get moving, but they're hard to earn significant amounts of traffic on (especially as a free member) in the short run. Don't ignore them completely, since you'll want to start building a downline on them ASAP, but don't drive yourself nuts trying to get significant amounts of credits on all of them from day 1. I'd recommend rotating these sites and trying to surf 100 pages on one or two every day (by rotate them, I mean pick one or two every day and surf 100 on those; the next day take another one or two).
The other type of exchange, which is much more powerful for complete newbies are co-op or syndicate based systems. To the best of my knowledge, all of Logitech's surf exchanges (TS25, TrafficPods, TrafficEra, etc) are syndicate based. What this means is that you don't need a downline to get leverage.
In a site like this, you can automatically get into a co-op or syndicate of other surfers, work together to build massive amounts of traffic credits, and then get a hefty share yourself. You can easily get several thousand hits per week in bonuses alone within 2 weeks with these sites.
Usually, there's a hefty quota of surfing you'll need to maintain to qualify to stay inside the co-op (usually ~1000 sites surfed per week for free members; paid members will usually get their quota waived, but won't see significant bonuses without surfing at least 100-300 sites per week). You'll probably have to surf even more the first week to "qualify" for a syndicate position (unless you're a paid member, in which case you automatically qualify from day 1), but the rewards are well worth it.
In conclusion, you will need to choose which system work for you in deciding on which traffic exchange to pick. If you hate the downline building task, then you might want to pick the second option.
Have Fun!

Sure Fire Tips For Building Trust With Your Readers

Friday, May 22, 2009
To make sure that your readers keep coming back to your blog, you need to build trust within your blog. When your readers trust you, they might also see you as a mentor and a resource to every questions they had. Building trust is going to build a long term sustainable blog.

Here are some useful tips for building trust when you post your content:-
  • send only relevant information that will help your readers see you as an expert in your field
  • create an online persona that sets you apart as a live person and not just some plastic corporate face. provide anecdotes, tell people what's going on in your life from time to time, and give them other ways to come to know "you" and not just your blog.
  • Do not constantly throw sales pitches. Some of your post should simply be interesting and timely.
  • Create free offers that are relevant to your post and give them away with no string attached.
  • Always be truthful
  • No hype allowed
  • Never recommend someone else product or service unless you have used it yourself and find it to be all that the manufacturer or service provider claims that it is
  • Respect your reader's time. Keep your post messages short yet punchy.

Don't expect to build trust overnight. It's a time consuming process that will pay off well once it begins to happen. If you think you don't have time, think again. The fact is, the exact amount of time that it takes to build trust is going to pass whether you take the steps to do it or not. The only difference is going to be how profitable your business is at the end of time. It's all up to you.

How To Choose the Right Blog Topic

Thursday, May 21, 2009
By far the most common question I am asked from someone new to blogging is "What topic should I write about?" This is the first big decision and the first point where everything can go wrong. If you choose the wrong topic then you begin walking down the wrong path and it might be months before you even realize it and change direction.
Here's some common mistakes people make when choosing a topic to write a blog about:
  • Don't pick a subject just because you see others make money writing about it
  • Avoid writing about something you are passionate about, but very few other people are
  • Don't base a blog on a topic you know little about or have minimal practical experience in
  • Be careful not to write about too diverse a range of subjects, your blog must have a focus


For people who have no idea what to blog about you should write down a list of their hobbies, passions, experiences, education and skills in all areas of life and then take that list and derive blog topics.

In almost all cases it's easier to start a blog from something you have an interest in, focus in that direction rather than get too caught up in the potential to make money. I honestly believe that if you have traffic you can make money, and it's traffic that is hard to generate. The money comes easily enough once the traffic is in place, so it's better to seek topics you have the most potential to build an audience from.

For people who struggle to choose between a range of ideas I suggest picking one and devoting a serious amount of time to it. You have to really "throw it against the wall and see if it sticks" before you really know whether a blog topic will work.

Sometimes no amount of research, self reflection, internal or external analysis will give you an answer. Only the MARKET can give you a definite result. You have to set a blog up and just start writing and see what happens. You can always make adjustments as you go along.

It's crucial to pick just ONE idea and not attempt to start a blog about every topic you have an interest in. If you spend your energy and time across three blogs you will end up with three average blogs. If you pour 100% of your effort into just one blog, you give it the best chance of success.

At the end of a three month trial period of focusing on just one blog you at least have a conclusive outcome, whether successful or not. There is no ambiguity about whether you worked hard enough and you can honestly say you gave it your best shot. You can continue with the blog if it appears to be gaining traction or move on to a different topic if it didn't.

At the end of three months of consistent blogging you also have an ASSET. Even if your blog doesn't have much traffic, it does have three months of content in it, so worse comes to worst, you can sell your blog and recoup a few hundred dollars and then take your experience with you into your next blog project.

There is no such thing as failure if you actually put something out there and learn from the experience and sometimes the only way to really know whether a topic has potential is to test it on a real live blog.

Sometimes you can't make concrete decisions until you actually test your topic ideas. I suggest you narrow down your topic list and then start writing. If you have no trouble producing one new post a day, then do it for three months and see whether people like your work.

No one can tell you what to blog about, it's up to you to decide. Just don't stay suspended in limbo due to decision-paralysis. Nothing will feel 100% right until you actually start doing it.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The focus of this post is something all bloggers love - comments. Unfortunately most blogs, especially new blogs, receive very few real comments from real people (everyone gets spam comments though). Why is it some blogs have a ton of comments while other blogs never receive any? In this post today I will talk about how you can convince people to leave comment replies to your blog posts.
Let me set something straight right now.
If your blog has no traffic you will not receive any comments. It makes sense of course, but some people don't see the connection between these two elements. If no one is reading your blog then no one will leave comments either. Simply posting great articles to your blog is not enough - you have to *market* your blog to bring people to it.

For now, understand if you don't receive any comments to your blog it's probably not that your content is bad or people don't like you, it's because you simply don't have enough traffic. If on the other hand you do have some traffic, yet no one replies to your posts, there are ways to stimulate comments.

Try these tips to begin with :-
  • Write articles that reference or focus on other bloggers. You will get their attention that way and there's a good chance they will come to your blog and leave a comment as a result.
  • Ask your readers a question at the end of your article.
  • Write about topics that stimulate conversation, such as current events (think politics, news, entertainment).
  • Be controversial with your writing. Have a strong opinion and others with strong opinions will reply to argue or agree with you.
  • Be patient. Sometimes you just have to wait until the first person leaves a comment which opens the floodgates.


Social Proof is when humans take action or make a decision based on seeing other humans doing it first. It's sort of like an implied recommendation - if other people do it, it must be good. It's like when you see a bunch of people all looking up at something in the sky at the same time. You can't help but turn your head skywards and see what all the fuss is about.

When first time visitors to your blog see other people making lots of comments they are more likely to decide there is something valuable at your blog and bookmark or subscribe to it and may even make a comment. This is good for blog traffic. This is social proof in action.

I was very conscious of always taking part in comment conversations at my blog and consequently my readership was growing in leaps and bounds. I stopped and I noticed I hit a wall and my blog didn't grow quite as well as it was. I know a blogger who has a rule - she responds to every single comment made to her blog. Consequently she has developed a fantastic community around her blog and her traffic has skyrocketed in a short period of time.

Remember, comments on your blog are very important, take the time to respond to them.

Traffic Tactic : Reciprocal Links

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Reciprocal Links are where two sites link to each other usually for the purpose of boosting others ranking. Google has caught on to this and doesn't values these kinds of links as much as simple one-way link.

While Reciprocal Links aren't as valuable, they are easy to get and can be used in moderation to increase your rank in the search engines, especially when you're first starting out.

A good place to find other people interested in Reciprocal Links is:

Just make sure that the people you partner with have PR greater than 0 and are related to your site's topic. Also visit the site and make sure it's something you want to link to.

Generating Traffic By Utilizing Other People's Blogs!

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Once upon a time, there was one question that almost blogger newbie asked. The question are "How can I start generating traffic to my landing page without having a spend much money due to a tight budget?" I have an easy solution for you and here it is. What's the best part about it? It's FREE.

Follow these steps:
  1. Do some research and find 5 or more blogs that generate a lot of traffic.
  2. Visit those blogs once a day to see if there are any new posts.
  3. Read the new posts that are available, learn from them and then you will notice at the bottom of the post a place to put your full name, Email address (which is not viewable to the public eye and is not marketed to any 3rd party), a box to put your landing page URL in, and a box to put your comment in.
  4. Fill in all fields and then use your full name as your signature and under your signature, supply your full URL. For example, you would enter,
When viewers go to Blog sites, they just don't view the posts, they view other people comments, thus also viewing your comment that leads right back to your landing page. What a great business strategy, right?

Utilize this method and watch your conversions grow more and more everyday.

Blog Traffic: Instant Traffic Using HubPage

Friday, May 15, 2009
HubPages is another way you can use to to generate traffic to your blog without any cost. With Hub Pages, you can create an account in just a few minutes and start creating “hubs”that focus on your niche market. By answering questions, providing reviews and participating within the Hubpage community, you can generate traffic, create a buzz and build a list, all at the same time.Besides, you can also earn money from Adsense advertisements that are featured throughout your HubPages. is also an authority site with search engines like Google so you will be able to rank for specific keywords and generate traffic from multiple sources.Here are a few tips to help you create your first Hub:
  • Use ORIGINAL content only! Do not post PLR or any recycled content on your hubpages. You want to focus on offering original, high quality material throughout the Hubpage community.
  • Add modules to your hubpages for additional revenue. You can add in Amazon and eBay modules as well as Adsense advertisements.
  • Add links with your keywords within your hub page content, leading to your websites, blogs and landing pages. Add at least two text capsules.
  • Do NOT post affiliate links within your hubpages, instead focus only on building YOUR network (most affiliate links will be removed by HubPages admin, anyway).
  • Add fans to your hub and be active within the community and its sub groups.
  • Encourage RSS subscriptions to build a following and expand your outreach.

Go create your hubpage today and stop paying for traffic. Instead you can do it fun way with hubpage beside learning new things and build your credibility online.

Blog Tactic : Outsource For Traffic

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Today I would like to talk about another traffic method that you can use to draw traffic to your blog. You can do this by outsourcing professional team to do the work for you. Well of course this will cost you some money but, hey, you don't have to do the hard work anymore. Now you can grow your traffic by outsourcing tedious SEO and online promotion tasks by professional teams and burst out of the sandbox!

There's a lot of outsourcing provider to drive traffic to your blog you can choose from such as outsourcetraffic and outsourcemytraffic. There is a lot more, it is time for you to do the browse!
Traffic outsource will help you distributes articles promoting your site, leaves comments on blogs leading back to your site, builds inbound links to your site, creates and builds content on web 2.0 sites like squidoo and hubpages etc.. all of which result in targeted visitors to your website and increased search engines rankings for your most relevant keywords. They will also do the link building and blogging task for you.

Link Building: They will promote your website by listing your website with the top leading search engines like Yahoo, Google and several other high page ranked web directories and web sites. Search Engine Optimization of your websites through our web promotion techniques, your business is likely to get a major boost.

Blogging: Their people's has a dedicated team of professionally experienced writers through its own high page ranked blog network that positions to boost your websites, blogs or any service’s ranking in search engines through proper blog visibility.

One key point to remember if you use outsourcing service is that you should left the job done by them for a certain period, says a month, to evaluate their effectiveness. If it successfully help your ranking, then you have made the right choice, but if it does not help you as much as you hope for, then maybe you should withdraw from it since you've paid for their service.

The choice is yours! Do it yourself or let the pro do it for you? Outsource for traffic is just another option, but if you believe that you can do it for yourself, then it is not for you.

How To Make Your Daily Tasks Easier

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
As an Internet marketer, you're always looking for a simple and quick way to get a number 1 position in Google. Well, Google rank depends a lot on backlinking. And building hundreds of backlinks is a hard task!

However, there is a program that lets you build up to 60 links back to your site and keywords each time you post an article into their system: Free Traffic System. It's 30 times more backlinks than with an article published at! Free Traffic System is free to join and if you are not a good writer, you can simply ask for automatic article posting to your WordPress blog; which is a great way to get fresh content without having to post by yourself and lets you get a certain amount of backlinks as well.

In addition, by next week, Free Traffic System will launch a Pro membership that will push your article marketing venture to the next level! But it's still time to join Free Traffic System for f'ree as they will keep this option available. Submitting articles in Free Traffic System is easy: since the month of January, many members that joined after me have already submitted up to 400 and 500 articles to the system. Do the math... --> 400/500 x 60 ONE way links to their main keywords and links!
You can't do that manually!

All you have to do is write an article, add a piece of code in order to make the article that will be published to 30 different blogs unique, add your author resource box with your two main links and keywords and that's it!

Don't like to write? Here's the solution:

The Easy Article Writer will browse the Web and research articles based on the keywords you will enter into the software. The Easy Article Writer will gather those articles and you will just have to select the sentences that you would like to see in your own article. Once it's done, rewrite the article a little bit in order to make it unique and of your own, and post it to the Free Traffic System. Easy as 1.2.3.

Wash, rinse, repeat and you'll quickly get hundreds and even thousands of ONE way links back to your sites or affiliate link!

Don't believe in those so-called gurus that would make you think you can earn money doing nothing... Internet marketing requires work and dedication. But those two tips I just shared with you will make your task a lot easier! By joining Free Traffic System now, you will enter the contest to win one of the 10 lifetime access to the Pro version they give away! And if you haven't downloaded it yet, here is the link to the weekly gift:

Fews Other Point Traffic Generation Cheatsheet For Unstoppable Traffic!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I have post so many traffic tips to generate unstoppable traffic before. However there's more. Here are just few additional tips. Don't waste your energy trying all of the tricks. Just invest your time on one or two and see how it's work then only you move to another. Here are 5 points on traffic generation:-

1. List Builders

List builders typically work like this: you sign up for the exchange, and you’re allowed to promote to thousands of other members with an email promotion, but in exchange, you agree to receive emails from other members as well. Examples of such networks include List Joe, The List Auction, Viral URL and the new Viral Ads Unleashed system. I have personally used List Joe and The List Auction to add hundreds of new subscribers to my account every month just by sending out an email every 3 days. It is definitely worth a go. Here are some of the top list builders online:

2. Video Marketing

Video marketing is a highly scalable strategy for getting traffic. The hard part is getting the video created. Once that is done, promotion can be easy using automated tools like Tube Mogul and Hey Spread. These tools (or websites) submit your videos automatically to more than a dozen of the most popular video sharing websites online. Imagine if you create a short 3 to 5 minute video every week and submit it to more than a dozen of video sharing sites weekly. That should be enough to give you fresh inflows of subscribers.

3. Craigslist

The popularity of has been growing immensely in the past year or so. In fact, in 2008, Craigslist’s popularity grew by 87%. This is probably because more people are going online to either search for bargains or to look for jobs or business opportunities. This means that Craigslist has never been a more fertile ground for marketers to tap into. I have not been taking advantage of it as much as I would like, but it is certainly something to put on your to-do list.

4. Ad Brite

Ad Brite is a banner ad exchange website where publishers and advertisers work out ad deals. I have personally advertised my sites on dozens of sites in the network and have reaped hundreds of fresh leads. The competition is also far less than it is on AdWords.

Here is a tip: Direct response, all-text banner ads seem to get the highest click-through rates.

5. Get Subscribers
If you’re looking to buy leads, then look no further than Get Subscribers. I have spent hundreds of dollars with them and have gotten a lot back in return. My list grows by the dozen daily and these people are highly responsive. Because the system is backed by one of the top autoresponder companies online, you can be sure of the quality of the leads, because they are real. I highly recommend checking them out…

Remember to test and traffic the different sources of traffic so you can discover which are the most effective tactics for your business.

The Press Release And Your Traffic

Monday, May 11, 2009
One rarely known way to get backlinks and traffic rushing over to your site is the humble press release.

You may think: Isn't the press release only for corporate or marketing and PR firms out there? Actually the differences are the channel of delivery. For the corporate releases, usually journalists or PR executives are involved.

The Internet businesses on the other hand, uses press releases to shepherd traffic to their sites. When the press release is put online, it is picked up by ezines, and blogs and linked back to your site.

These backlinks are super important because of one purpose: They increase the ranking of the website in the search engines. Let me give you an example. Lets say you send a release on a new product - Train stubborn retrievers. You send your release out to a distribution site, where you place emphasis on keywords such as ' dog' 'train dogs' etc. Now when the site distributes your release, people who key in 'dog' or 'train dogs' will see your release appear in the top few search engine links.

From your release, they will go to your site, and hopefully, make a purchase.

So you see, the press release is important. But please use it sparingly, and only for important stuff such as new product launches and new websites and not trivial matters.

Blogging For Traffic Tips:- Make Sure You Post Regularly But Not Overly So

Sunday, May 10, 2009
You have to blog regularly to keep search engines interested, ping sites interested and even more importantly, people interested. If you don't post regularly, all of the above will still coming back as frequently and will lose interest in your site.

You should post at least once a week, at the very least. Two to three times would be better. But make sure you don't post every day all day. This makes your site to search engines look like a spam blog.

Also make sure you split your post times up. Some weeks post on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays, other weeks post on the other days.

Blogging For Traffic Tips:- Internally Link All The Pages Of Your Blog Together

Saturday, May 9, 2009
One the best ways to get your blog indexed quicker in search engines and give your blog pages more links to them is to link from your own blog. Every page on your blog should link to other posts and pages on your blog.

Basically, every post will be linked to some where on your site. You should also create a sitemap. Something like....

This helps the big search engines like Google and MSN find all the links on your site easily for them to index quicker.

Blogging For Traffic Tips:- Submit Your Blog To The Two Major Search Engines

Friday, May 8, 2009
The two major search engines you need to submit your blog to are of course and All the other search engines are a waste of time. So are those websites that state they will submit your website or blog to thousands of search engines for free or a one time fee.

They are useless. Just submit your blog to and .
It is ver easy. Just click at the link above and key in your website or blog url.

How To Create A Loyal Readership With Your Blog

Thursday, May 7, 2009
One of the main differences between a blog and a static website is the way people are able to interact with your content. With a static site it's just people reading words on a page. When you have a blog they can explore and even comment back! You want to get that sort of interactive spirit going so you can create a loyal readership with your blog.

That doesn't mean it's easy! There are literally millions of blogs out there all vying for the attention of your audience. It can be even harder to grab people's attention when you're just getting started. The bad news is that it's going to take some work and dedication to build up a loyal readership. The good news is that it's very possible, and even fun, to put these things into place. Follow these rules and you'll have the kind of repeat visitors and fans that really make blogging worth your while.
Rule #1: Write Great Content

Let's face it; if your content stinks there is no way people are going to come back and read again! They'll just click away, never to return. If you write great content, however, you're sure to get some fans. Not everyone considers themselves to be a good writer. That's OK! No one expects you to have perfect grammar and spelling. It's far more important that you write interesting content that stands out from the crowd. Give your real thoughts and opinions on things that matter to the audience.

When you write great content, not only will you have people who want to visit your blog all the time. They will also link to you! You know that more linking means higher rankings in Google. That's definitely a great thing that will expand your readership base to levels you couldn't even imagine when you got started.

Rule #2: Leave the Comments Open

It's amazing -- but there are bloggers out there who close their comments! While it can be a lot of work to try and get rid of those spam comments, you're also missing out on a big part of what being a blogger is all about. You need to let the audience write back and speak their mind too. People don't just want a website they can read anymore, they want one they can add their "2 cents" to. So, leave your comments open and listen to them. It doesn't matter if people always agree with you or not (they won't!), you'll get a much larger and interested following.

Rule #3: Guest Blog

The chances are good that there are some blogs out there that are very well-liked by the people in your niche. These blogs probably get a lot of traffic and a lot of respect. It's time to get your name and website out there in front of this audience! All you need to do is write to the owner and say that you'd like to write some guest posts. They will probably be more than happy to take a break from their own posting and to give you a link back to your blog. This will not only give you link juice for the search engines, you'll also win some of their loyal readers who are interested in what you have to say.

Learning how to create a loyal readership with your blog is incredibly important if you want your blog to thrive. It's all about the people, and making sure they are aware of your blog and love your content.

Secrets Of Pulling In Tons Of Hasle Free Traffic And Profits From Classified Ads

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Classified ads are one of the best ways to advertise your website or business online. The best thing is they are free to use. Some sites allow you upgrade your account and get more options, but generally classified advertising can be used with a greay deal of profitability even with a free account.

Here's how to write profit-pulling classified ads:-
  1. Have a compelling headline. This is the first thing targeted visitors will see. It will decide whether your advertisement get seen or not. So Spend a lot of time writing quality headline. Use benefit driven words in your headline such as "secret", "discount" and "limited time only:. These words proven to get the click throughs.
  2. Provide quality photographs and pictures in your copy. If you sign up for US Free Ad's premium service, you are allowed to add pictures to your ad. Good pictures make your ad more appealing and attractive.
  3. Use bullet points in your ads. Internet surfers tend to skim over content on websites, so bullet points help the reader to read your copy easily. If you post long paragraphs on your ad, people won't bother to read it and will click away.
  4. Use a "call-to-action". This tells a visitor to take an action that you want him to take, such as to click through your website, to buy product, or to sign up for your newsletter.

Writing a classified ad is really easy once you get a grasp of it. Once you have a profitable copy, you only need to spend a few minutes each day reposting it to the classified adds sites.

Here is some list of classified ads site for you:-

Express Your Opinion On Your Blog Post

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
There are many factors that set great bloggers apart from the rest but one that continually cropping up over the last few years of interacting with successful bloggers is that they often have and are not afraid to express strong opinions. While other bloggers in their niche ‘report’ news it is those who express opinions about the news and current events in their industry that tend to be the blogs that get linked to by others, that generate more comments and that people look to as thought leaders in a niche.

This might seem easier for some niches/topics than others but I think it probably applies to most of us.
  • If your blog is about politics - share your own personal thoughts on what a politician is saying
  • If your blog is about Iphone - don’t just report that a new Iphone has come out - tell your readers what you think of its features and who you think it’ll be useful for
  • If your blog is about Madonna - don’t just show us her latest haircut and outfit - tell us what you think about it.
  • If your blog is about food - don’t just share a recipe - tell your readers what you love about it and what occasion you’d eat it at.

Your post need not be a highly emotional one that rants and raves about your topic - to express your opinion all you need to do is add your own thoughts and feelings about the topic you’re covering.

Why Opinions Matter

You probably won’t find it suitable to share opinions on every post (although on some blogs this may be appropriate) - but when you regularly add your opinion on your blog you’ll find that it can have a significant impact.

When you share an opinion it often draws out others to share theirs (in comments or on other blogs). Often opinion posts draw out interaction and productive conversations.

When you share an opinion you help your readers to translate news and to understand information and how it applies to them. This makes your content more useful.When you share an opinion you show your readers that you’re going beyond just reporting news but are yourself engaging with and interested in the topic you’re writing about. This is infectious and will draw your readers in too.

Expressing opinions on your blog is like adding seasoning to food. Without it your blog could end up being quite bland and blend into the crowd. However when you add it you will find that it helps to give your blog unique flavor.

Getting Backlinks: Why Do You Need One Way Links To Your Blog?

Monday, May 4, 2009
There are basically two aspects to SEO, "on page" & "off page" optimization.

"On Page" SEO is easy because it's totally under your control. It's simply a case of making sure you have optimized your web pages correctly.
There is a bit more to it than that, like keyword research, keyword density & frequency, which html tags to use, making sure your site/pages are W3 Compliant, using relative/absolute internal linking structures to feed the pagerank where it's most effective, using titles and descriptions that encourage people to click through from the SERP's etc.

But essentially, once you know how to do all that, it's not difficult to get it right for all your pages/sites. It's also less important in the long run than getting sufficient links to your site/pages from other sites. Getting links to your site is fundamental to getting visitors, and without visitors all the time, effort and money invested in getting your site up and running, and looking "nice", is irrelevant.

No Visitors = No Point!

So links are essential to the health of your site, and indeed your business, but all links are not equal in value to your site. Reciprocal links will help, but they are far less effective than one way backlinks, i.e. links from another site where you don't have to link back to them. These "One Way" backlinks will give your site a far greater boost in the search engine results and bring you more traffic, providing of course that you have chosen good (relevant) keywords for your links.

There are many ways of getting these powerful one way backlinks, but most you will have no control over the anchor text used (i.e. keywords) in the link, which means their "power" in unfocused and therefore of less use to you in achieving the targeted keyword results you are looking for.

For example, submitting your site to website directories can be a very effective way of picking up some high quality one way links from high PR sites, but you will seldom be able to choose the keywords/anchor text used for the link, often ending up with the site name as the link.

This is not a waste of time, as the Pagerank passed to your site will, with the correct internal linking structure, be passed on to your sites internal pages, helping them to rank better for their targeted keywords.

Social Bookmarking is

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Delicious is a social bookmarking system that is very popular with bloggers and websites alike. The site has an interesting approach to content building. Rather than publish interesting content and getting worried when there's no fresh content, publishers are looking at users of the site to build, classify and qualify content. There's value in collaboration.

With social bookmarking, you can qualify content. At delicious, each bookmark of a particular web page is perceived as trust worthy. So the more bookmarks a web page gets, the more credible is its standing.

Apart from bookmarking the web page, users can also tag the web page. Tags are the keywords that relate to the content on the page. By tagging, you can associate the keywords with the content. If there are many people using the same tags to bookmark a page then that page will be seen as an authority page in its category.

The most bookmarks your web page receives from various delicious users, the more prominent will be the listing of your web page on the site. Delicious users are allowed to book mark and tag several pages in a website. You can tag the content with more than one term. As the number of tags by users grows, you find it easier to access similar topics.

It is easy to use delicious. Start off by creating an account for which you will need to give an email and contact information. You will receive a password and log in name. The next step is to verify your email. Once you do this, you are done and your delicious account is fully active.

You can now login to your delicious account so that you can get starting with bookmarking and tagging content. You can enter the URL of a web page that appealed to you. You will need to describe and tag the bookmarked page with a descriptive page title and description that matches its contents.

A major reason to use Delicious is to share useful information. As a delicious user, you can store your favorite websites or online resources and make this available to other users online. A lot of people browse through delicious to find valuable information they are looking for.

On this social bookmarking website, you can use RSS feeds to syndicate user bookmarks or to collect information that has the same tags. Users can also syndicate bookmarks created by other users who use RSS feeds. The great thing here is there is a wealth of user generated content.

There are other social bookmarking sites like Digg, Reddit, sphinn, furl and so on. The point is, used in the right manner these sites can be huge traffic generators that are low cost or no cost.

5 Ways To Cash In With Your Blog

Friday, May 1, 2009
Blogging is all the rage these days for many different reasons. For one thing, it's a lot of fun to be able to express your opinions about something or share information with people all over the world. You also have to remember that the people who visit your blog are often ready and willing to spend money! Use these 5 ways to cash in with your blog to add some padding to your wallet.

Cash Tip #1: Put Your Ads Where People Can See Them

Bloggers often make the mistake of slipping a tiny affiliate link in somewhere on the blog. These will rarely get found and clicked on! Now, you don't want to beannoying with your ads, but if you have found something that is relevant there is no reason not to display it proudly so your visitors see it and click on it. It's hardto make money if no one knows you are selling something.

Cash Tip #2: Build a List

Focus on building a list of people who are interested in your niche topic. That way you can tell them when you create new blog posts and let them know about specialoffers you think would be of interest.

Cash Tip #3: Sell Advertising

Once you get to a relatively high level of traffic it's a great idea to sell advertising spots. Companies are ready and willing to spend money on this form of advertisement and you can often make more with these direct deals than you can by going through an affiliate organization that takes a cut.

Cash Tip #4: Create a Product

After you've had your blog running for a while you'll hopefully have developed a loyal following. People see you as an expert in your niche and they want to hear more of what you have to say. A great way to cash in on this is to create your own ebook, videos, audio, or a combination. This is easier to do than you think, and you can have a great, passive income once the product creation phase is over.

Cash Tip #5: Split Test

You might have heard about split testing as a great way to figure out the best format for sales letters, but did you know that you could split test ads on your blogs? There are plugins and software packages out there that can present one ad to one group and another ad to another group. That way you can cash in even better by knowing exactly what it is that your target audience responds to best.

There you have it! These are five tips you can put to use today to start seeing a return in profits on your blog tomorrow. There is nothing better than knowing that people out there are not only reading your content, but adding to your income as well.

Monetize Your Blog Instant Methods

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I know you’re eager to know how to make money from your blog. So I shall not withhold the info from you any further,
Here are 5 money making methods you must know:
  1. – paid link marketplace where you get 50% commission for every text-link sold.
  2. – paid sponsored post in your blog.
  3. Google Adsense – Pay-per-click advertising campaign offered by Google
  4. – start selling other people’s products and earn a commission for every product sold
  5. Own Your Product - I highly recommend this even though it may take slightly longer for you to develop your own product. You can start off with a $7 report of about 30 pages and sell it off at "Warrior Forum Special Offers" forum. Just remember to read the forums rules first.

10 Free SEO Tools

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website with the goal of increasing your search engine ranking and ultimately your traffic and sales. It involves researching your keywords to find good phrases for your website, placing these keyword phrases strategically on your website and then improving your ranking by increasing the number of backlinks to your website.
Here is 10 free SEO tools you can use to increase your search engine ranking:-
  • What? This tool allows you to research keywords. It tells you the approximate average number of searches per month for a keyword phrase and also suggests similar alternative keyword phrases.
  • Why? You need to make sure that your keyword phrase is actually being searched on before you optimize your website. Optimizing your site for a keyword that nobody searches will mean that you get very little or no visitors from the search engines.
  • How? Enter your keyword phrase in the box, choose your language and country (or “all countries and territories” if your website is not country specific) and submit. Choose “Exact” from the drop down menu.
  • What? This is another keyword research tool. Enter some keywords and you will receive a list of up to 100 related keywords and an estimate of the number of daily searches for each keyword phrase.
  • Why? No keyword research tool is 100% accurate, so if you are serious about keyword research it is worthwhile checking your keywords in two keyword research tools. The Google Adwords keyword tool and the Wordtracker keyword tool are the best free keyword tools that I know of.
  • How? Enter your keyword phrase (e.g. dog training is the chosen keyword phrase in the above screenshot) and press the “Hit Me” button. You will then receive a list of related keyword phrases along with the estimated number of searches per day for each phrase.
  • What? This tool will generate a sitemap for you in either XML or HTML format. A sitemap contains links to all the pages on your website.
  • Why? A sitemap helps to ensure that the search engines find all the different pages on your website. It can also be helpful for your visitors.
  • How? Just enter your URL and hit the start button. Your sitemap will be created and you can upload it to your website.

Tool #4 - Social Marker Bookmarking Tool

  • What? This tool allows you to bookmark your website in multiple bookmarking websites with one click of a button.
  • Why? Many people search for pages on the web using bookmarking websites rather than search engines. The more people that bookmark a web page, the higher that web page will appear on the bookmarking website. Some social bookmarking websites will also give you abacklink which will help to improve your search engine rank.
  • How? First you will need to register individually with all the social bookmarking sites listed on the Social Marker site. This will probably take you around 1-2 hours, but you only need to do this one time. Every time you create a new page on your website, write a blog post, or find a page on the web that you find interesting you can bookmark that page in all of the bookmarking websites by visiting Social Marker.
    A similar alternative free bookmarking website is – this is quicker to use but contains around 20 bookmarking websites compared to Social Marker’s 48 bookmarking sites.

Tool #5 - Link Popularity Checker Tool

  • What? This tool allows you to check how many backlinks your website has. It will show you how many backlinks your site has in the Google and Yahoo search engines.
  • Why? The number of backlinks is one of the biggest influences on the ranking of a website in the search engines. The more backlinks you have to your website, the better your chances are of ranking well for a phrase.
  • How? Enter the URL of your website and optionally the URLs of up to three of your competitors. Click on the “Generate Report” button and you will see the number of backlinks in Yahoo & Google for your site and a number of other sites including any competitors that you have added.

Tool #6 - Keyword Rank Checker Tool

  • Why? Most of the traffic goes to the sites listed on the first page of Google, so your aim should be to get your site into the top 10. This tool allows you to check your progress more quickly than you could do manually.
  • How? Enter the URL of your website and the keywords that you are trying to rank for and optionally your competitor’s URL. The tool will return the position of your website in the Google search results and compare it to your competitor’s URL.

Tool #7 –Website Grader

  • What? Once you have optimized your website and started to promote it, this tool is an excellent way to get a free critique of your site. It provides information about the effectiveness of your on-page SEO, off-page SEO, blogging and social marketing. It also gives you suggestions on how to improve in each of these areas.
  • Why? It lets you measure your progress and find potential areas for improvement.
  • How? Enter the URL of your website, add competing websites (optional) and enter your email address. It will take a few minutes to process all the data, and once it has finished you will be taken to a report with a website grade (mark out of 100) and a wealth of information about how your website ranks and ways to improve it. You will also be emailed a link to your report.

Tool #8 - Google Webmaster Tools

  • What? This tool allows you to find the top Google search queries for your website, see errors found by Googlebot, find issues with your website content (e.g. missing tags), submit a sitemap, find out how many backlinks you have, remove content from the Google index and generate a robots.txt file.
  • Why? Submitting a sitemap will help to ensure that Google crawls your entire website. The diagnostics will alert you to any errors or broken links on your website and the top search query information can help you to refine your website optimization.
  • How? Create an account and then add your websites to the account. You will then need to verify that you are the owner of each of the websites that you added. You can do this by following the instructions to upload a text file to your website or by adding a meta tag to your home page.

Tool #9 – Statcounter

  • What? Statcounter allows you to see how many visitors and hits you have received to your website, the keywords that your visitors searched on, the pages that they visited, the browsers they use, the countries and towns they live in, the pages that they entered and exited your site on and how long they stayed on your site.
  • Why? It is useful to see the keywords that your visitors use to find your site and the search engines that they came from as this can help you to refine your optimization. It is also valuable to understand more about your visitors, the countries they come from, the browsers and computers that they use and what pages they visited while on your website.
  • How? Register with statcounter and follow the instructions to generate a small piece of javascript code. Place this code on all the pages of your website so that statcounter can track all your visitors. You can then login to statcounter at any time to view your statistics.

Tool #10 - Google Analytics

  • What? This is an alternative to StatCounter, as it provides similar information about your website visitors. However, it presents the information in a different way, so you may find it useful to use both StatCounter and Google Analytics.
  • Why? As well as finding out where your visitors come from, how they found your website, how many pages they visited and how long they spent on your website, you can also view the data in a variety of different formats.
  • How? Register with Google Analytics and generate a snippet of javascript code. Follow the instructions to Install this code on all the pages of your website and then login to Google Analytics to view your site statistics.

Fire Up Your Blog with PLR Content:

Monday, April 27, 2009
If you’re already a blogger, you can appreciate that it takes a decent amount of work to keep your blog active with a bunch of fresh ideas and content. But it is doable and that’s where PLR (Private Label Rights) content come in and give you a hand.
What is PLR Content?

If you’re not familiar with the term, PLR stands for "Private Label Rights" and it’s essentially content that you are free to use, edit modify and brand with your website name. It is ghostwritten content, so you don’t have to accredit the writing to a particular offer – giving you the full opportunity to use this content for your blog. And best of all, it’s an inexpensive way to get plenty of fresh content for your blog.

You can find PLR on a variety of topics right here.

Now let’s get back to the benefits and uses of PLR on your blog…
6 Attractive Benefits of Blogging with PLR having ready-made PLR content to help you in your blogging efforts has quite a few attractive benefits. Here are just a few:
  • If you don’t have time to write all your content, PLR solves that problem for you.
  • If you don’t like to write, PLR saves you the effort.
  • If you don’t fancy yourself a good writer, quality PLR is written by professional writers.
  • PLR provides you with plenty of ready-to-go ideas…no need for brainstorming topics.
  • PLR sellers have already done the research – you don’t need to do it.
  • PLR can help you increase your traffic – By having regular, fresh content on your blog you encourage repeat visitors, word-of-mouth and more.

How to Use PLR Content with Your Blogging
How you use your PLR content is completely up to you, but to get the creative ideas going, here are some tried and true ideas for using PLR in conjunction with your blogging efforts.

  1. Simply post the PLR articles on your blog for extra regular content.
  2. Schedule a bunch of articles to publish on your blog at regular intervals, so you have a continuous stream of fresh content.
  3. If you have a separate articles section on your website, publish the PLR content there. That’s fodder for an easy new blog post. Simply make a new post with your commentary and opinions on the article and link to it.
  4. Email your mailing list with an excerpt from a PLR article and invite them to your blog to read the whole article.
  5. Use PLR content to display ads on your blog. Whether it’s content-targeted ads like Google Adsense or other types of advertising, PLR content gives you plenty of opportunities to show your ads.
  6. Include affiliate links. Add links to products that are relevant to the content being discussed.
  7. Bundle some articles into a special report that your visitors can simply download. Create a new blog post to tell your readers about it – your readers will appreciate the new gift.
  8. You can also bundle articles into a report that you can offer as an "ethical bribe" for completing the mailing list opt-in form on your blog. When they subscribe for your list, they get to download the report.
  9. Got an audio blog? Put the PLR content into an audio recording and stream it or allow your readers to download the mp3.
  10. Many PLR sellers offer product reviews with PLR rights. Post the product reviews and allow comments to generate a valuable discussion about the product.
  11. Don’t feel comfortable posting PLR content as your own? Create a "ghost guest blogger" profile on your blog and post that content through a pen name on your blog.
  12. Add a new income stream to your blogging by creating an information product. You can bundle up a series of related articles into an ebook and even record the content to include an audio component to your product as well.

Making PLR Content More Appealing to Your Readers

Your blog is unique and so are your readers. Publishing quality PLR articles to your blog or using the other creative ideas above can certainly appeal to your audience – but if you want to take it a step further, there are things you can do to make the PLR you publish more appealing to your audience.

  • Add examples. Make the PLR content your own by adding examples unique to your niche or your own experience. For example, if you’re publishing an article on how to quick smoking, add your own story and experiences to create a more interesting piece.
  • Link to other info. If you have resources where the reader can get more information or to solve a problem, tell them about it.
  • Add your own perspective. You don’t have to agree with everything in a PLR content – add your own editorial commentary and perspectives.

How To Write A Blog Post

Sunday, April 26, 2009
There are many ways that you can create a blog post and there’s no one fixed structure you must follow. Below are some guidelines for you:

a. Common ranting
Ranting can be a very good way to start blogging. We just type whatever we want to say or whatever that has happened in our lives. Treat it like a casual conversation, without using any conscious effort to phrase it in a formal tone. Ranting can be a good start to get you into the momentum of typing. It’s just like sharing something about yourself when meeting up with you good friend (the blog) and saying whatever that comes into your mind.A tip for you: Just set your mind free and share whatever you like within your comfort level.
b. Intro-Body-Conclusion (IBC)
If we want to create a blog that will capture loyal readers, we need to focus on what’s in it for them. After all, the readers are reading your blog because of its enticing content. They are reading it because they want to find answers to their problems. So we must create a proper structure for our blog post that is easy and pleasant for our readers to read so that they will return.

A common structure to start with is having a short introduction paragraph to catch hold of the readers’ eyes and make it attractive enough for the readers to click on the tag.
It can be a summary of what the post is about and what the readers can learn by reading the rest of the blog post. Then, create a BODY which contains the gist of the story. You can share with your readers what happened, how did it happened, why did it happened and who were involved. Write about 200 words for the body and be straight to the point. End off with an insightful CONCLUSION with about 30 to 50 words to share from your point of view, what the readers can learn and how they can apply back to their own lives.

Here’s a tip for you: To make it really easy for anyone to read, you can always use the numbered list format.For example,Here are the 3 tips you should know before buying a iPhone.
  1. Know your budget
  2. Buy from a reliable retailer
  3. Take good care of your iPhone
And go on to elaborate each point in greater details.
c. Intro-Experience-Point-Conclusion (IEPC)
For this blog post structure, it’s similar to the structure of a diary entry. You first share a short paragraph of roughly what happened. Then, after the MORE tag, you can share about your experience by following the 5 “W”s- Who, where, why, what and when.End off with a conclusion you want to leave an impression on your readers. Remember to keep it short and straight-to-the-point.
d. Blog Readers Love to Read About Tips and Secrets
This is a common structure which I am used to writing and it works for me everytime. It’s a method I like to use to develop relatively long posts with lots of good value information for my readers. This is also good for “link-baiting”. What’s that? You might ask.Well, let’s put it this way. Assume some lady reads my blog post and finds it interesting. She’s so impressed by the content that she wants to share these tips with her friends. As the post is too long for them to copy, they will take the easy way to either email her friends the whole link or do a linkback from her blog. Either way, I’ll get free traffic to my wedding blog. That’s call “link baiting”.

For a start, it’s not necessary to come up with such a big post. You can start off with articles with 3 to 9 tips.

Free Traffic Tactic : Make Comments On Other Peoples Blogs

Saturday, April 25, 2009
If you leave relevant comments on other peoples blogs you will get traffic back to your website. To do this of course you have to actually find people's blogs to leave comments on. The easiest way to find other blogs is to go and search for other peoples blogs related to yours.
  1. Go to and do a search for blogs you'd like to find
  2. On the next page, after you entered your search term, click on 'blogs' in the center of the page to reveal the blogs related to the keywords you entered.

Another great place to locate blogs is All you need to do is go to the forum and search for threads with the same keywords you used to locate blogs at Once you have located relevant threads, you'll then need to search the signature file of the posts for blog links.
You want to find other blogs that are in the same market as yours and leave the owners of those blogs comments. In order to find related blogs at all you need to so is search the forum for threads related in some way to your blog and then search the signature files of the posters.
What kind of comments should you leave?
The best kind of comments are those that add a little additional information to the blog post you are leaving a comment on and entices the reader to follow your link back to your blog. Suppose your blog is about video games and found some other video game related blogs. The owner of one of these blogs had just left an update about the soon to be released and much anticipated Mercernaries 2 video game.

In order to get some traffic to your blog you would leave a comment like this:
“Yeah, I've also heard that the developers of Mercenaries 2 were bombarded with requests for a multiplayer mode after the release of the first Mercenaries was released. Supposedly, Mercenaries 2 will not only feature a multiplayer mode but the developers say it will be better than the one found in Halo 2! I've heard there are also going to be a couple more really sweet new features being added. I made a couple of updates to my blog about these if you're interested.”
Notice how this comment both adds information and then entices the reader to look at your blog. Anyone who was a video game enthusiast themself would almost DEFINITELY look at the person’s blog to see what additional information they had. What video game enthusiast wouldn't?
When you leave comments on other blogs, NEVER leave blatant advertisements for your blog or comments that attack the integrity of the blog owner. Leaving either types of these comments is not only in poor taste but it will likely be deleted by the owner. Even if your comment isn't deleted by the owner it won't likely produce much traffic as it will be viewed by the people reading it as spam and everyone hates spammers.