How To Write A Blog Post

Sunday, April 26, 2009
There are many ways that you can create a blog post and there’s no one fixed structure you must follow. Below are some guidelines for you:

a. Common ranting
Ranting can be a very good way to start blogging. We just type whatever we want to say or whatever that has happened in our lives. Treat it like a casual conversation, without using any conscious effort to phrase it in a formal tone. Ranting can be a good start to get you into the momentum of typing. It’s just like sharing something about yourself when meeting up with you good friend (the blog) and saying whatever that comes into your mind.A tip for you: Just set your mind free and share whatever you like within your comfort level.
b. Intro-Body-Conclusion (IBC)
If we want to create a blog that will capture loyal readers, we need to focus on what’s in it for them. After all, the readers are reading your blog because of its enticing content. They are reading it because they want to find answers to their problems. So we must create a proper structure for our blog post that is easy and pleasant for our readers to read so that they will return.

A common structure to start with is having a short introduction paragraph to catch hold of the readers’ eyes and make it attractive enough for the readers to click on the tag.
It can be a summary of what the post is about and what the readers can learn by reading the rest of the blog post. Then, create a BODY which contains the gist of the story. You can share with your readers what happened, how did it happened, why did it happened and who were involved. Write about 200 words for the body and be straight to the point. End off with an insightful CONCLUSION with about 30 to 50 words to share from your point of view, what the readers can learn and how they can apply back to their own lives.

Here’s a tip for you: To make it really easy for anyone to read, you can always use the numbered list format.For example,Here are the 3 tips you should know before buying a iPhone.
  1. Know your budget
  2. Buy from a reliable retailer
  3. Take good care of your iPhone
And go on to elaborate each point in greater details.
c. Intro-Experience-Point-Conclusion (IEPC)
For this blog post structure, it’s similar to the structure of a diary entry. You first share a short paragraph of roughly what happened. Then, after the MORE tag, you can share about your experience by following the 5 “W”s- Who, where, why, what and when.End off with a conclusion you want to leave an impression on your readers. Remember to keep it short and straight-to-the-point.
d. Blog Readers Love to Read About Tips and Secrets
This is a common structure which I am used to writing and it works for me everytime. It’s a method I like to use to develop relatively long posts with lots of good value information for my readers. This is also good for “link-baiting”. What’s that? You might ask.Well, let’s put it this way. Assume some lady reads my blog post and finds it interesting. She’s so impressed by the content that she wants to share these tips with her friends. As the post is too long for them to copy, they will take the easy way to either email her friends the whole link or do a linkback from her blog. Either way, I’ll get free traffic to my wedding blog. That’s call “link baiting”.

For a start, it’s not necessary to come up with such a big post. You can start off with articles with 3 to 9 tips.