Social Bookmarking is

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Delicious is a social bookmarking system that is very popular with bloggers and websites alike. The site has an interesting approach to content building. Rather than publish interesting content and getting worried when there's no fresh content, publishers are looking at users of the site to build, classify and qualify content. There's value in collaboration.

With social bookmarking, you can qualify content. At delicious, each bookmark of a particular web page is perceived as trust worthy. So the more bookmarks a web page gets, the more credible is its standing.

Apart from bookmarking the web page, users can also tag the web page. Tags are the keywords that relate to the content on the page. By tagging, you can associate the keywords with the content. If there are many people using the same tags to bookmark a page then that page will be seen as an authority page in its category.

The most bookmarks your web page receives from various delicious users, the more prominent will be the listing of your web page on the site. Delicious users are allowed to book mark and tag several pages in a website. You can tag the content with more than one term. As the number of tags by users grows, you find it easier to access similar topics.

It is easy to use delicious. Start off by creating an account for which you will need to give an email and contact information. You will receive a password and log in name. The next step is to verify your email. Once you do this, you are done and your delicious account is fully active.

You can now login to your delicious account so that you can get starting with bookmarking and tagging content. You can enter the URL of a web page that appealed to you. You will need to describe and tag the bookmarked page with a descriptive page title and description that matches its contents.

A major reason to use Delicious is to share useful information. As a delicious user, you can store your favorite websites or online resources and make this available to other users online. A lot of people browse through delicious to find valuable information they are looking for.

On this social bookmarking website, you can use RSS feeds to syndicate user bookmarks or to collect information that has the same tags. Users can also syndicate bookmarks created by other users who use RSS feeds. The great thing here is there is a wealth of user generated content.

There are other social bookmarking sites like Digg, Reddit, sphinn, furl and so on. The point is, used in the right manner these sites can be huge traffic generators that are low cost or no cost.