Blog Commenting Tips

Friday, February 12, 2010
Hello all. Just a few tips to share today which is about blog commenting. Don't forget, blog commenting is another way on how to increase your web traffic. Couple of other tips to consider when commenting on other blogs are as follows:

  • Target the more popular blogs. This goes without saying. There is not much point in busting your butt coming up with a great comment if the blog you are leaving it on does not get any traffic. Take a look at Technorati's Top 100 Blogs to see what the hugely popular blogs in your niche are, or if your niche is a little more specialised, their blog directory will be useful to you.

  • Be the first to comment if you can! If your comment begins directly after where the post ends then you have a much better chance of the reader clicking to visit your own blog! The sad reality is blog readers seldom read comments beyond the first 10, so if your comment is near the bottom of a popular blog post, then you are unlikely to see any traffic benefit.

  • Try and comment on blogs with a Top Commentators List. Some of the more popular blogs reward their consistent commentators with a place in the a top commentators list, usually found on the blog's homepage. Being in a list such as this can drive a lot of additional traffic to your blog and is a great thank-you by the owner to reward your commitment to their blog!

Everytime you pots your comment, don't forget to link your web url on it. That way will help your url get index.

Good luck