Many blog marketers suggest blogging about a topic that you are passionate about. I tend to have a slightly different view on this. If you actually want to make a lot of money with blogs you need to create blogs centered around profitable topics, that is, topics with a lot of potential traffic. Obviously if you can combine the two - i.e. Find a topic that is both potentially PROFITABLE AND ENJOYABLE then you've got yourself a "match made in heaven!"
Having said all this - we're convinced that anyone can start a blog based on a hot topic they hate and still keepit stocked with fresh, quality content.If your website or blog can produce fresh, quality contentyou will be rewarded with great Search Engine Rankings.
The equation is something like this:
Popular Topic + Quality, Fresh Content = High Search EngineRankings + Happy, Loyal Readers = Lots of Traffic To YourWebsite = $$$ = :-)
This means you need to do 4 things:
- Find hot topics or niches with a lot of traffic potential
- Constantly add quality, fresh content to your blog
- Get lots of free traffic to your blog
- Monetize the resulting traffic
That's our tips today. I receive this tips today via my email from Dave and Aaron from Check the website to find out more tips.
Have a good day.
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